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The American Patriot Alliance, formed on September 11, 2001, also to be known as the APA, is hereby an open organization, dedicated to protect and defend individual rights/freedoms and the independence and liberty of the United States of America. The purpose of these by-laws is to explain the mission, goals and organizational structure of the APA.
It is understood that the APAs' purpose is to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America as it was originally intended against all enemies, Foreign or Domestic, and to uphold the rights of the citizens as prescribed in these documents.
The APA believes the U.S. Constitution established a Republic under God, rather than a democracy. Therefore the APA affirms the principles of inherent individual rights upon which these United States of America were founded:
That each individual is endowed by God with certain unalienable rights; that among these are the rights to Life, Liberty, Property and the Pursuit of the individual’s personal interest;
That the freedom to own, use, exchange, control, protect, and freely dispose of Property is a natural, necessary and inseparable extension of the individual’s unalienable rights;
That the legitimate function of government is to secure these rights through the preservation of domestic tranquility, the maintenance of a strong national defense, and the promotion of equal justice for all;
That history makes clear that left unchecked, it is the nature of government to strip the liberty of its citizens and eventually become a major violator of the people’s rights; and
That, therefore, it is essential to bind government with the chains of the Constitution and carefully divide and jealously limit government powers.
Whereas the APA calls on all who love Liberty and value their inherent rights to join the APA in the pursuit of these goals and in the restoration of these founding principles.
All rules, regulations, duties, obligations, conduct and overall purpose and mission of the APA will be established and determined at all times by the APA Patriot Board. The original members of the APA Patriot Board will be appointed by the APA founder. The Patriot Board will consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary of Operations, Treasurer and Councilman. Each member will serve a term of two years in which after the original members of the APA Patriot Board have served their complete term the APA general membership will elect a new board. Any original board member can seek re-election. Each board member will be allowed to cast votes on any governing matter which comes in front of the board. For the purpose of command structure the President has 10-votes, the Vice-President has 4-votes, the Secretary of Operations has 3-votes, the Treasurer has 2-votes and the Councilman has 1-votes. Each member can split their votes in any manner they which. A change or addition to the APA by-laws and regulations must carry a majority approval vote. In case a vote is tied it is declared dead or the President can approve it by veto power. All measures approved by the APA Patriot Board will then go to the National Patriot Council for final approval. The measures must carry a majority approval of the Council with no less than three members casting a yea, nea or neutral vote. In case of a deadlock the APA National President will cast a vote.
The APA is open to any able man or woman who is an American citizen and was born in the borders of the United States of America. The membership fee of the APA will be determined by the Patriot Board. Members of the APA shall be those persons who pledge that they support the initiation of force be it political or social to maintain individual rights, individual freedoms and will pledge to defend the sovereignty of the United States of America.
Patriot Board Meetings
The APA Patriot Board meetings will be conducted when the Board President deems important and no less than once per month. The meetings will be conducted either in person, via telephone and or chat room technology over the internet. The meeting is considered official as long as the President and two additional Board members are in attendance.